10 June 2020
on ZOOM | Link to access via call@bettinapelz.de
on FACEBOOK | Link to listen via Facebook Event „First Lights“
6.00 pm to 8.00 pm CET
Public Meet-up
FIRST LIGHTS (in English)
In astronomy, FIRST LIGHT refers to the first use of a telescope or a new instrument. In the international scene of light art projects in public space and festivals of light, this FIRST LIGHTS meet-up gathers artists, curators und producers that responded timely to the „new normal“ after the Corona break-down and found solutions to have their projects up in spite of the NO-C directives: no crowd, no close-contact, no contagion.
At the roundtable:
Aymen Gharbi / INTERFERENCE Tunis.tn
Katerina Mirovic / SVETLOBNA GVERILA Ljubljana.si
Andrea Moeller / LUNA Leeuwarden.nl
Simone Schimpf / FLUX LICHTWERKE Ingolstadt.de
Aleksandra Stratimirovic / ISLAND OF LIGHT Smoegen.se; SKOPJE LIGHT ART DISTRICT Skopje.nm
Martina Tritthart / MUTUAL LOOP Vienna.at
In the chat:
Irene Urrutia / MEDIA ART FESTIVAL Leeuwarden.nl
Salma Kossemtini / INTERFERENCE Tunis.tn
Syrine Siala / INTERFERENCE Tunis.tn
Katja Stesl / SVETLOBNA GVERILA Ljubljana.si
Hosted by:
Bettina Pelz, FLUX Ingolstadt.de
FIRST LIGHTS Zine _ Links to related initiatives
LUX Helsinki / Finish Light Art Society
FLASH Virtual Residency